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Save in Gold Bullion

You can choose gold as your saving goal.
With each purchase you are allocated part of larger gold bullion.

250g Gold
Paper money loses value all the time

The enormous monetary expansion of governments mean that paper money is constantly losing its value. Gold is not affected by the monetary policy of governments. Historically when paper money has lost its value gold has maintained its value and purchasing power.

maintains its value

When the euro was introduced in 1999, it was possible to buy 12.7 grams of gold for €100. Sixteen years later €100 was only enough to purchase 2.8 grams of gold.

Gold wins
in troubled times

History shows that the demand for gold and its price always rose when states were in a critical economic and political environment and the currencies lost purchasing power.

Gold is the oldest currency in the world.
The gold reserves
are coming to an end

Gold cannot be mined indefinitely. The total amount that can still be mined is estimated to be about 45,300 tonnes and is only enough for about 15 years with the same production rate.

Gold demand
is rising

The biggest states in the world are currently increasing their gold reserves. The gold production is about 3,000 tons per year, the demand for gold currently amounts to approx. 4,100 tons per year.

Gold belongs
in every depot

International investment firms recommend to secure at least 10% of assets with physical gold. Financial advisers buy gold for their wealthy customers for a portion of the portfolio. The central banks of the nation’s store gold as currency reserves.

Stable in value

  • Gold is considered to be crisis-proof.
  • Gold has survived economic crises, currency reforms and state bankruptcies.
  • Gold has been used as a valuables store for more than 3,000 years.
Value Performance

  • Global demand exceeds production.
  • Gold is scarce, because the mining quantity is limited.
  • Gold cannot be artificially produced.